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National Guild of Piano Teachers

 (Teachers Division of the American College of Musicians)

What is the purpose of NGPT?

1: To prevent aimless drifting, give music study some define direction and provide a measurement for progress.

2: To furnish suitable incentives for piano students of all levels and grades.

3: To provide a sympathetic hearing for each student. (The Auditions are private - student and judge only.)

4: To supply a dignified recognition on a national basis.

What tangible rewards are offered?

Report Cards.

Certificates and pins.


Sonata, Sonatina, Bach and Founder Plaques.


Cash prizes for Composition Contest.

Who is eligible for membership in NGPT?

Any piano teacher (minimum age 18) who is capable of preparing pupils for Auditions and who welcomes the challenge and helpfulness of unprejudiced adjudicators.

Who started NGPT?

Irl Allison, A.M., Mus.D., in 1929

Who belongs to NGPT?

10,000 of the finest teachers in the USA and several foreign countries.

How many pupils may a teacher present?

A teacher may enroll a single student - but an entire class will benefit from Guild Auditions.  There is a goal suitable for every pupil.

What about adult beginners?

A growing number of adults are finding Guild Auditions the stimulus needed for positive reinforcement.

Who selects music?

Except for Special Medals and Diplomas, the teacher selects all music.  Students may perform from memory anywhere from one to twenty pieces, or one to eight pieces with music.

Is there a memorized and unmemorized program?

Yes- in the Jazz, Duet/Duo/Trio/Quartet, Ensemble and traditional repertoire programs:


1 piece ……………….``Pledge Honors``                    (memorized)

2 or 3………………….``Local Honors``                       (memorized)

4, 5,or 6………………`` District Honors``                 (memorized)

7, 8 or 9 ………………``State Honors``                     (memorized)

10 - 14 ………………..`` National Honors``               (memorized)

15 - 20 ………………..``International Honors``        (memorized)


1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 - 8 …Hobbyist                             (unmemorized)

1, 2, or 3  ……………..Duet/Duo/Trio/Quartet   (unmemorized)

1, 2, or 3  ………………Ensemble                            (unmemorized)

What about Sight-Reading?

Too many people who have studied for years cannot Sight-Read the National Anthem, hymns, or be of assistance when accompanying an evening of group singing.  The Social Music Test and Sight-Reading Musicianship Phase have been established to help correct this deficit.

How can we start a new chapter?

It is easy to open a new Guild center if a minimum of 44 students participate in the annual Auditions.

Does Guild center have the same judge year after year?

No.  It is the policy of the Guild to try to provide each center the opportunity to receive new viewpoints from different judges each season.  Whenever possible, judges are sent from outside the the community.

What are the advantages for the teacher?

Well-balanced and measured progress for each pupil.

Satisfaction of parents in concrete evidence of advancement.

Teaches` Diplomas from American college of Musicians (for test, see Syllabus)

Professional orientation through Guild publications.

National publicity in Piano Guild Notes.

Affiliation with national musical groups.

Teacher Certification from American College of Musicians (for qualifications, see Syllabus)

Is this very expensive?

No. In the contrary, NGPT is a nonprofit educational organization and expenses are kept low through expert administration.


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