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Message from ACM President

Dear Guild Member,


This movement was founded by your pupils: hence we cannot emphasize enough the importance of setting yearly Guild goals for each and every students in your studio.  I believe you will feel rewarded for your efforts and your students will be grateful for your interest and confidence in their ability to succeed.  For his/her encouragement in the Guild Auditions, every pupil becomes a winner of a award commensurate with his/her attainment; and , great or small, high or low, each certificate, Diploma, lapel pin, $200 Scholarship or medal will be cherished as encouraging evidence of pianistic accomplishment.


Carefully study the complete set of goals and start each interested pupil toward achieving his/her first goal.  Afterwards, your task will become easier, since one Guild step leads to another.  The five-years, ten-year, and even the fifteen-year goals will soon be won by many in your class before you realize that the time has passed.  It is comparable to passing grades in school or earning report cards and diplomas as years go by.  What is learned from the study of literacy subjects is almost important in piano study.  Give your pupils the chance of a lifetime to feel proud of their pianistic achievement!  Participation in the Guild will encourage them to continue the study of piano.  All Guild projects definitely assist in the prevention of piano ``drop-outs.``

Yours Fraternally, 

​Richard Allison


                American College of Musicians International Headquarters


ACM 米国本部 

3200 Steck Ave. Suite 330 

Austin, TX  78757-8034

phone: (512) 478-5775



​​米国ギルド・ピアノ検定試験 日本代表窓口

〒 182-0002 東京都調布市仙川町1-7-1

© 米国ピアノ指導者団体 ACM日本支部  1/28/2025

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